Reply To: MacGregor Stoves

MYCBC – Why Join Us Forums Boat Maintenance and Mods MacGregor Stoves Reply To: MacGregor Stoves

Rick & Sue

    We have the Princess single burner built in butane stove with cutting board cover. Great for us as it came with the boat. Stupidly expensive $380 at Butane stove boils water real fast and cheap fuel lasts well. We also have a portable single burner butane. Much more reasonable $12 on sale at Rona last year. Cooking with alcohol is definitely slower. If you think this might be aggravating you should check out someone else’s before purchase. Twice as long?? Also be aware that not waiting for it to cool before refuelling can be dangerous. The flame is almost invisible and people have mistakenly thought it was out of fuel and pouring alcohol into the stove lit them and their boat on fire. Moral of the story whichever stove you choose. Treat it as one of the most dangerous things on your boat. Happy cooking.

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