How busy is Port Moody boat launch?

MYCBC – Why Join Us Forums General Discussion How busy is Port Moody boat launch?

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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      I’m thinking about launching from Port Moody this weekend — probably Sunday. Can anyone hazard a guess how busy it will be? How early should I plan to be there?

      Rick & Sue

        The nice thing about Rocky Point is you can launch at any tide level. The less than nice things are the cost, the lookie-loos that clog up the boat launch, the spectators on the dock hoping for the carnage of the cross winds come recovery time, the gazillion kayaks, sailboats etc that block the launch channel, and of course the many power boaters who park their boats willy-nilly Along the limited docks making it difficult to tie up so you can get your vehicle to recover the boat. However it is one of the only choices. I have not launched on a Sunday but I would assume the earlier the better. I have tried to recover on a Sunday or holiday Monday and had to sit in the middle of the channel waiting for a dock space for up to 45 minutes as smaller power boats slid past me into spots that were too small for a Mac. I now launch Friday mornings and recover Mondays or Tuesdays on long weekends. I’m sure you will be fine just be prepared to wait for less than courteous power boaters. Good luck.


          Thanks, Gemini. I went there once with somebody else but it was, as you say, not a busy summer weekend. I think I’ll leave Port Moody for another time and try somewhere that’s likely to be less busy, this weekend. (Though I guess everywhere will be busier than usual.)

          Rick & Sue

            Sorry to have discouraged you Tedd. Cates Park in North Van seems to have a decent launch. I have never used it and am not sure how busy it would be. Just a thought.


            We launch and retrieve at Rocky Point typically several times a year on weekends. Generally no significant problems Some key points from our experience:

            Launch early in the morning. The ramp gets busy by mid morning and finding a parking spot for the trailer becomes more difficult.

            Plan the retrieval of the boat, considering that you cannot walk it on. Driving it onto at trailer is not easy, particularly in a cross wind:

            Leave the rudders and swingboard down. Pull the swingboard up just as the bow goes over the backend of the trailer.

            If you routinely retrieve at Rocky Point, add guides to the trailer that will keep the Mac lined up as it slides over the trailer

            Don’t put the trailer too far into the water. It is easier to leave the trailer higher up, get the Mac straight onto the trailer, then back up another couple of feet to get it all the way on the trailer.

            Retrieve later in the evening when things quite down.

            Hope this helps



              I wish I’d read your post before I went! We launched and recovered at Port Moody yesterday (Sunday, Oct. 1). It wasn’t very busy, so that was great. But getting the boat back on the trailer was a bit of a struggle. There was a crosswind and I was reluctant to leave the keel down because I wasn’t sure what the depth was like. It was near high tide when we recovered, though, so it probably would have been fine. I’ll keep your tips in mind for next time.


              Thanks for the tip about Cates Park. I remember seeing it when I did a web search for boat launches back before we bought the boat, but in the meantime I’d forgotten about it. We’re planning an overnight trip up Indian Arm some time in the next few weeks, so I’ll keep it in mind for that.


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