Nissan outboard service help

MYCBC – Why Join Us Forums Boat Maintenance and Mods Nissan outboard service help

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  • #9533

      Just joined the Mac community with a 1999 Mac26X. It has what I’m assuming is the original Nissan 50HP.

      The chap I bought it off, after nearly 10 years of ownership says the engine has only been used by him for launch and recovery and feels he has less than 10 hours on it. However, the original owner used it somewhat more. The present run hours show 2200.

      What kind of service/preventative maintenance would you guys carry out on it?
      It starts right up, doesn’t seem to make any weird noises and I’m just hoping to keep it that way. Thanks


      Wyatt and Valerie

        Hello! That is a 2 stroke engine, right? If it was me I would put a new water pump impeller in for sure, no telling how old the one in it is and when it might self destruct. Other than that I would change the leg oil and sparkplugs and then go have fun!


          Yup, 3 cylinder 2 stroke. Info sounds good 👍

          Dominic Shiu

            I have the same engine, I try to end the season with saltaway for the cooling system and seafoam added gas and run till dry

            • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Dominic Shiu.
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